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Sunday, September 24, 2017

The shit is hitting the fan.

NFL television ratings are in decline resulting in less-than-promised television advertising revenues making networks angry and nervous.

Fans are pissed and teams in some of the biggest metropolitan areas which have never had problems filling stadiums are finding empty seats in an increasing number each game.

And now the London game today, in England, had even more racist black players kneeling in their act of repugnant defiance while the National Anthem was played.

It is time for the majority of America which actually buys NFL merchandise and pays for tickets to games and which watches games to turn their backs on these black bastards and to rob their sport of revenue.

It is time for Americans to give back to the black racists and to make them less likely to get pay raises and to hurt owners' revenues to the point where it becomes too costly to tolerate overt displays of black player racism.

It is time to fire the players or to suspend them.

America - you need to do something else on Sundays.   On Monday nights.   And on Thursday nights.

Let the black racist players do what they'll do - their low-class, racist, and arrogant middle fingers to our country - which is directly aimed at White America.

It fucking pains me to have to see things in a black and white perspective - having actively chosen not to for over 50 years of my life.   But I'm sick of the intolerance and dishonesty of black America - the perpetual sense that you are victims and pointing the fingers at Whites.   I am so sick of you whining that we cannot stereotype blacks all the while your actions stereotype white people as cracks and your reasons for failure.

Enough is enough - piss in your beds, assholes.

You've now tilted the concern of White America for your real issues that we could assist.

Now we wash our hands of you and tell you black whiners to kiss our white asses.

We are the majority and we have more power than you - and now you will get to see what happens when we turn our backs on your whinings and stop listening to you.

America needs to no longer accept black players kneeling as anything other than overt racist actions no different than raised fists into the air, nazi salutes, or wearing white dresses and hoods after labor day.   It is time to call a spade a spade and to issue the ultimatum that we shall not aid in your distribution of hate and contempt and we are not going to pay for your salaries any more.

Fire the bastards.   Suspend them.   Stop playing the National Anthem.

But we must stop with any concern about the NFL and to let the sport die.    The sport that has been wussified as it panders to women has become nothing more than a venue for black racism on whites.

And we aren't going to take it any more.

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