When something catches my ire, it is because it is pure evil. It has the stench of hell. And it is never a good thing when I cannot shake the feeling that we are being extorted and conned.
And so it is now official - UV was spot on thinking that "Black Lives Matter" was never about racial equality. This pathetic, black racist cause hiding as racial harmony is nothing but a movement to advance a socialist agenda where misfits and whiners seek to punish achievers - and like a simmering pot of watery shit, this collection of assholes, criminals, and thugs have now found the victim to extort and to whore and to rape his corpse and memory.
Poor George Floyd. May he rest in peace.
Queerly, the corpse they are dry humping advancing their political quest for power was truly a victim of one to four bad cops in a Democrat controlled city in a mainly Democrat state. You'd think that if these leftist PIGS that run that city and state would be the shining icons of virtue that would protect black skinned folk like there was no tomorrow.
Have you ever wonderered why a vast majority of the black skinned abuse by police happens in mostly Democrat controlled states and cities?
But remember, the Democrat party is the party that has committed genocide against black people - first by supporting slavery and fighting to keep blacks down and creating the KKK to scare them and to lynch black people.
Currently since Roe v. Wade, there has been no bigger killer of black people than abortion - and the Democrats are solely to blame for the institution of abortion. No political party has been funded more than big baby harvesters - and the vast majority percentage of those killed are black babies - babies that never got a chance to be anything. Democrats are solely responsible for this black genocode/
So it comes with this stench of Democrat exploitation and killing of black people that I had to wonder why is there a rise in indignation of blacks now? Didn't the first ever black President solve this racial discord? How is it that after eight years of record black poverty and unemployment that it took a white "racist" (sarcasm) to change all that in three years and to have record low black poverty and record low black unemployment?
Something doesn't jive. If you find that racist, then fuck you.
Black Lives Matters Wants White Jesus and White Churches Destroyed.
You cannot possibly advance "BLM" as a racial harmony agenda if you have the audacity to claim that a White Jesus is a racist icon. And since you are not going after black churches but instead are focusing on white churches, you cannot be anything but a hate group and movement that is filled with low lifes, criminals, extortionists, and thugs. Your advocate, Shaun King, made the fatal mistake of thinking the coast is clear for him to peel back the icing on the shit-based movement of Black Lives Matter.
Unlike the fake news media which never checks stories, I found multiple sources of the reports of the racist pig, Shaun King, uttering his hateful words.
No longer can we accept jack shit about what we are told about Black Lives Matter. It is filled with black supremacists and hate mongers and extortionists. It is not too late to stop this shit, but any corporation that has given money to this pathetic racist movement must be boycotted.
Where Does Black Lives Matter Get Their Money?
It should be noted that I am not a Gleen Beck fan. But he does an admirable job outlining the Black Lives Matter money laundering that is going on - and that only 6% of the money "given to BLM" goes to anything beyond salaries and administration. Sounds just like the Clinton Foundation! Please watch. You'll be shocked!
Click here for a very unbiased accurate report of the Black Lives Global Foundation
Learn About Black Lives Matter
Click here for a very unbiased accurate report of the Black Lives Global Foundation
Fake Noose

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Garage door pull down used to fabricate claim of a noose targeting black NASCAR driver. |
This is a fake news story that the black racist Bubba Wallace bilked for profit and to advance Black Lives Matter. This is absolutely disgusting and Bubba Wallace owes America an apology and he needs to come clean. This story is here. If Bubba Wallace does not publicly apologize for his actions about this "noose", then he should be fired from NASCAR and banned for life.
A Mediocre Racing Career

There has been another black driver who raced under less effective equipment: Willy T Ribbs - his average career start was 32nd and he finished 2 positions higher. Ribbs was actually a superior driver than the fraud, Bubba. Source.
Do you want to know how bad Bubba Wallace is? The pioneer female driver in NASCAR, Janet Guthrie, using inferior equipment, started five places further ahead in races (usually with more drivers in the race in that era). She also had a SUPERIOR finish rate as well over fucking Bubba. Source. Bubba is nothing more than this generation's overhyped driver because he is black. We have the absolutely incompetent Danica Patrick who did worse than Janet Guthrie! Source.
About Blacks and NASCAR
I've been following what has become NASCAR (used to be Grand National in the 1960's when I first went to races as a child with my Dad), and there HAS NEVER been any interest by black people for NASCAR. And before you show your ignorance, NASCAR runs races all over the country. And up North, hardly the confederacy bastion, if you saw a black person at a race, you'd point.
As I have grown, once again, blacks apparently aren't interested in NASCAR. I have seen plenty of races in the Democrat controlled, Confederate Capitol, Richmond, VA, and black skin is so unrepresented, that I am surprised NASCAR didn't just hand out free tickets to them to get the numbers up. I guess it takes a special person, a redneck, to want to watch cars going around in an oval - only watching the race live also gives you the feel of heat from flames and the sound of engines and impacts - not to mention the shaking of the stands during all events. Yes, there is a high quotient of "Bubbas" who will hand you their beer when they go to make water (that actually happened to me). NASCAR's origins are from bootleg whiskey and that was a predominate Southern thing (moonshine - made under the light of the moon to avoid the PO-LICE).
A Rope Too Far
Posted 6/28/2020 - And now for disgusting news in support of Darrell Wallace. Some stupid Neanderthal racist actually was going to sell "Bubba Ropes". Read this story here. How disgusting. I loathe everything about Darrell Wallace, but making light of a rope is outrageous. Statistically over 3700 blacks and over 1200 whites were lynched between the end of the Civil War and into the 1960's. This is no laughing matter even if Darrell exploited this to save his pathetic career as a driver.
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