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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The reality of the massacre at Manchester should cause snowflakes around the world to quake in their parent's basement as they mooch off others and live lifestyles filled with selfishness and self-importance.  

The world's snowflake generation is filled with participation trophies and over-inflated self worth as they live disgusting lifestyles that worship gender speculation and worship technology and forget about humanity.

Mooslims are a worthless class of people - a religion filled with hate - and covered up by the fake news media by telling us how peaceful and coexisting these people are - while the moderates do jack shit to control their rabid dog mongrels who are now moving their war of hate to soft targets.

Mooslims aren't stupid even if they are evil.

Mooslims know that the way to get to the adults in the world who work hard each day and who love Jesus and have no use for Islam is to kill the adults' offspring.

How evil must a religion be when time after time their lone wolves (supported by the pack) claim the lives of innocents?

While Islam preaches hate from Saudi Arabia to Lybia to Iran to Afghanistan to the motha focker floggers of gay men in Indonesia, we cannot find civility and reason anywhere in their moderate mosque ass raisers.   We have the fake reports that mooslims want to co-exist, but really, these lazy asses are doing nothing to hunt down and to kill their rabid dogs - these cowards are hiding in their mosques and behind their head scarves while their "co-existing" bastards are using cars as weapons and now are using homicide bombers to kill our children.

Those bastard snowflakes who wilt when challenged across this world ought to go and hide - Islam is coming for your sorry asses - Islam knows that your parents care for you and the way to wound your parents is to remove your sorry asses from the world of the living.

I'm over allowing the leftist swine to preach that Islam is peaceful and we shouldn't hold the moderates accountable for their Satanic brethern.

There can be no distinction now between the rabid and the moderate - they are all unclean beasts of hell who need to be treated with contempt and scrutiny - if the moderates are unwilling to take out their trash, the rest of the world needs to pack the bags of the moderates and to send their sorry asses back to the lands of sand and heat and build a wall to keep them from harming anyone else but themselves.

Face it - Islam has declared war on us -now it is our job to send them to hell where they belong.

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